Time | Fomento Building Ground Floor |
08:00 - 09:00 | Registration |
Time | Fomento Auditorium | Fomento Class 001 |
09:00 - 10:00 | ![]() Dr. Jeremy Yallop Jeremy Yallop is a Senior Research Associate & Affiliated Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. His interests are in the design and implementation of programming languages, with a particular focus on using multi-stage programming to combine high-level abstractions with efficient execution Keynote Turning High-level Functional Programs into Low-level Programs with Improved Performance | |
10:00 - 10:30 | ![]() Itamar Ravid Itamar is a freelance software engineer. He’s been working with all facets of software development for over a decade - from data infrastructure, through CI/CD processes to backend development. His current interests include microservice architectures and stream processing systems on the JVM. Itamar is a functional programming addict and contributes to several open-source projects in the Scala ecosystem, such as the Cats library and ENSIME. Boring Usecases for Exciting Types Codensity! Indexed state! Zipper comonad! What are these words and co-words? There's lots of jargon in functional programming, and without context, it seems pretty academic. In this talk, I'll show a few lesser known functional constructs and how they can be put to work in a day-to-day usecase. ![]() | ![]() Dvir Faivel Interested in Scala, functional programming, big data, parallel and distributed programming, and more geeky stuff The Math Behind Functional Languages (HE) Explaining functional programming concepts we use daily such as type-classes, semi-groups and monoids |
10:30 - 11:00 | ![]() Asher Manning Formal methods developer at Zen Protocol, Asher is the developer of F* - a dependently typed functional language used for making safe blockchain transactions. Practical Dependent Types for Better Blockchains Learn about dependent types - what they are, how to use them - and how they can improve your code! | ![]() Michael Snoyman Michael Snoyman is the founder and lead developer of multiple Haskell open source projects, including Yesod, Conduit, Stack, and Stackage. His main interests are creating developer-friendly, high performance libraries that minimize bugs. Michael is VP of Engineering at FP Complete, where he focuses on using Haskell and modern devops to help projects make it to market faster and with fewer bugs. Workshop - Haskell from the Inside Out Learn the basic assumptions of Haskell that lead to its many distinguishing features |
11:00 - 11:30 | Short Break | Workshop Continues |
11:30 - 12:00 | ![]() Daniel Szmulewicz Software craftsman / Entrepreneur / Founder of the Clojure user group in Israel Practical functional programming with Clojure The natural programming style for Lisp is functional. One could argue that it stems from its DNA: the lambda calculus, of course, but also the original paper by John McCarthy which shows a purely functional system to compute algebraic expressions. However, the better known implementations of Lisp have all been impurely functional. In this talk, we will explain why and how Clojure is firmly entrenched in the functional mindset, imbued with the notion that side-effects are to be contained, and that our programs ought to be written with referential transparency in mind. ![]() | Workshop Continues |
12:00 - 12:30 | ![]() Avi Avni Avi Avni is a Consultant and Instructor at SELA Group, With 7+ years of industry experience. Avi specializes in design and development of large scale applications and diagnosing memory and CPU performance issues. Avi has 2+ years experience as a team leader. Avi is a contributor to several open source projects like F# Compiler, CoreCLR, Roslyn, ClrMD. Avi is also a Neo4j Certified Professional. Contributing to the F# compiler (He) How I contributed to the F# compiler and had fun! | Workshop Continues |
12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00 - 14:15 | ![]() Sharon Shmorak Sharon is a senior Java back-end developer with 20 years of experience writing imperative/OOP code and a functional programmer in the making. Sharon is currently learning Scala, Haskell, Category theory and Lambda calculus. She blogs about the process of learning functional programming on Medium. Functional Programming is for Everyone (Lightning Talk) Functional programming is enjoying mainstream attention in the last few years, yet very few companies in Israel are actually practicing functional programming. In this talk I’ll suggest a few possible explanations and present opportunities I see to make functional programming catch fire. ![]() | |
14:15 - 14:30 | ![]() Ilya Sher Systems and software engineer, professionally since 2001. Frustrated by the void, working on NGS, a domain specific language and a shell for systems engineering tasks. Why Choosing Functional Programming for Doing DevOps (Lightning Talk) Creator of NGS, a domain specific language for systems engineering tasks, speaks about the unique combination of functional features in NGS and how they fit the design and the purpose of the language. ![]() | |
14:30 - 15:00 | ![]() Amitai Burstein CTO of Gizra, a web development shop building sites for Harvard university, UN, EC and more. Amitai is a Drupal core developer running Elm on production. Elm from a Business Perspective In Gizra, we run an unusual stack that helps us reach blazing fast websites - Drupal runs our backends, Elm in the front, and most recently Yesod (a Haskell framework). There’s a certain mindset in choosing these technologies - it’s about the idea of “correctness”; making sure we can move quickly without breaking stuff. In this session, I’ll provide an in depth explanation about this mindset both from the development perspective, and the business one. ![]() | |
15:00 - 15:30 | ![]() Boris Farber Boris is an Engineer focusing on Android optimizations with tooling. His technical interests include Android, Kotlin and Java I/O. Boris has broad experience in software development, customer facing and professional services, and currently works at Google as a Senior Partner Engineer. In addition Boris leads ClassyShark and AS Poet, two popular open source apps to optimize Android app size and build. 5 Ways to Improve Performance of Your Java/Kotlin App Learn 5 Functional Programming paradigms (state, referential transparency...) to improve any Java/Kotlin based app | ![]() Zvi Avraham Zvi came in touch with Erlang in 1998 and started using it professionally in 2007. He specialises in Distributed Systems, including various Crypto-related technologies, such as Blockchains and Smart Contracts. His current go to web stack is Elm + TypeScript on the front-end and Elixir/Phoenix on the backend. He currently works as a CTO at Nivertech. Functional APIs with Absinthe GraphQL Absinthe is a GraphQL toolkit for Elixir-based Phoenix web framework. This talk will discuss Absinthe itself, as well as various patterns of designing GraphQL APIs with it. |
15:30 - 16:00 | Short Break | |
16:00 - 16:30 | ![]() Noam Tenne A hacker-hearted and disciplined software developer. Has been working on both cloud based and on-premise platforms, gaining much experience in building scalable, mission critical web applications and microservices. Now wreaking havoc at Healthy.io You Can Be Groovy Groovy, the JVM's underdog, is a functional top dog | ![]() Adi Polak Love to code, investigate problems, learn new frameworks and challenge myself. As part of my passion for challenges, I did an M.Sc where I majored in solving security problems using Machine learning. Make it Clean - Workshop Can we find a way to write easy to understand, readable and fairly “clean” lambda expressions? This is a TOUGH question. Many experienced programmers which are new (or not...) to lambdas fail miserably. I’ve been trying to tackle this challenge in scala and today I will share with you how to CLEAN your scala code. ![]() |
16:30 - 17:00 | ![]() Ziv Perry R&D Team leader at Binah.ai with more than 20 years of experience in system architecture and software engineering. Enthusiastic about converting multi-lines imperative code into one-liner-functional-expressions. Functional Reactive Programming Using RxJS (HE) Overview and best practices for using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) in front end development | Workshop Continues |
17:00 - 17:30 | Short Break | Workshop Continues |
17:30 - 18:00 | ![]() Gil Mizrahi A Haskell developer by day and night, I enjoy implementing interesting applications in purely functional style. Purely Functional Games Games are often considered to be inherently mutable, event driven programs, and are usually considered a "bad fit" for functional programming. Is that really the case? If not, how would a game written in a purely functional style look like? In this talk we'll try to provide answers to these questions. ![]() | Workshop Continues |
18:00 - 18:45 | ![]() Hila Noga Hila has 14 years of experience building software, training software builders, and managing teams that build software. Up until recently, she was the CTO of Hello Heart, where she fell in love with functional programming while building the company's back end using Scala. These days she is flying under the radar and working on her own project. Make Your Own Functional Programmers Recruiting functional programmers is hard. Have you considered making your own? Let's talk about how to build an effective training program that will quickly transform any die-hard Java-loving and design-patterns-chanting imperative programmer, without requiring too much of your lead engineer's time. ![]() | |
18:45 - 19:00 | Closing Event |
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